The Islamic Mint: Gold dinar & Silver dirham is making a comeback

The Islamic Mint: Gold dinar & Silver dirham is making a comeback


I. Introduction

  • Explanation of Islamic Gold Dinar
  • Importance of Sunnah Currency

II. The History of the Islamic Gold Dinar

  • The Use of Gold Coins in Islamic Civilisation
  • The Emergence of Paper Money and Its Disadvantages
  • The Introduction of the Islamic Gold Dinar in Malaysia

III. The Benefits of Using Islamic Gold Dinar

  • Protection Against Inflation
  • Stability and Security
  • Fairness and Equality
  • Encouraging Trade Among Muslim Countries

IV. Sunnah Currency’s Role in Reviving the Islamic Gold Dinar

  • The Vision of Sunnah Currency
  • The Achievement of Tawfiq
  • The Support of Islamic Scholars and Communities

V. Challenges and Obstacles

  • Resistance from Conventional Financial Institutions
  • Lack of Awareness and Education

VI. Conclusion

  • The Importance of Reviving the Islamic Gold Dinar and Supporting Sunnah Currency
  • The Future of Islamic Finance


  1. What is the difference between the Islamic Gold Dinar and regular gold coins?
  2. How can I purchase Islamic Gold Dinar?
  3. Is Sunnah Currency available in my country?
  4. How can I support the revival of Islamic Gold Dinar?
  5. Is using Islamic Gold Dinar halal according to Islamic law?

The Islamic Gold Dinar is Making a big Comeback and Sunnah Currency have been Granted the Tawfiq to Drive this Initiative forward.

In today’s world, we are witnessing a significant shift in the financial industry towards more sustainable and ethical practices. One of the initiatives gaining popularity is the revival of the Islamic Gold Dinar, a form of currency that has been used in Islamic civilisation for centuries. Sunnah Currency has been granted the tawfiq  [divine providence], to drive this initiative to bring the Islamic Gold Dinar back to its rightful place in the global economy.

The History of the Islamic Gold Dinar

Gold coins have been used as a form of currency in Islamic civilisation for centuries, and the Islamic Gold Dinar specifically was first introduced during the reign of the Caliph Umar Farook (r.a). The Islamic Gold Dinar was made from pure gold and was used as a standard of value for trade and commerce. However, with the emergence of paper money in the 20th century, the use of gold coins declined rapidly. The disadvantages of paper money, such as inflation and instability, have led many Muslims to search for an alternative form of currency.

In 2002, Malaysia became the first country to reintroduce the Islamic Gold Dinar as a legal tender. This was a significant step towards reviving the use of gold coins in the Islamic world.

The Benefits of Using Islamic Gold Dinar

Using the Islamic Gold Dinar as a form of currency has several benefits, including protection against inflation, stability and security, fairness and equality, and encouraging trade among Muslim countries.

Firstly, the value of the Islamic Gold Dinar is not affected by inflation, unlike paper money, which can lose its value over time due to printing more money. Gold, on the other hand, is a finite resource, which means that its value will remain stable and even appreciate over time.

Secondly, using the Islamic Gold Dinar provides stability and security for individuals and communities. In times of economic turmoil or political instability, paper money can become useless, but gold can still be used as a means of exchange.

Thirdly, the use of Islamic Gold Dinar promotes fairness and equality. Unlike paper money, which can be manipulated by governments or financial institutions, gold is a commodity that everyone can access and use.

Lastly, the Islamic Gold Dinar encourages trade among Muslim countries by providing a common standard of value that is universally accepted. This helps to strengthen economic ties and promote cooperation among Muslim countries.

Sunnah Currency’s Role in Reviving the Islamic Gold Dinar

Sunnah Currency, a UK-based company-headquartered in Dubai, is playing a significant role in the revival of the Islamic Gold Dinar. The company’s vision is to create a fair and just financial system based on Islamic principles. Sunnah Currency has been granted the tawfiq to drive the initiative and has been working tirelessly to promote the use of the Islamic Gold Dinar.

One of the company’s notable achievements is the issuance of gold dinars and silver dirhams, which are now used as a means of ‘wealth preservation’ in the current unstable economic times. This has helped to raise awareness of the benefits of using the Islamic Gold Dinar with other countries following suit.

Sunnah Currency has also gained support from Islamic scholars and communities worldwide, who recognise the importance of reviving the use of gold & silver coins in Islamic finance.

Challenges and Obstacles

While the initiative to revive the Islamic Gold Dinar & Silver dirham has gained significant momentum, there are still several challenges and obstacles that need to be addressed. One of the biggest challenges is resistance from conventional financial institutions, who see the use of gold coins as a threat to their business models.

Another challenge is the lack of awareness and education among the general public regarding the benefits of using the Islamic Gold Dinar. This highlights the need for more education and advocacy by ulama [shcolars] to raise awareness and promote the use of the Islamic Gold Dinar.


In conclusion, the revival of the Islamic Gold Dinar is an important initiative that has gained significant momentum in recent years. The use of gold coins as a form of currency provides several benefits, including protection against inflation, stability and security, fairness and equality, and encouraging trade among Muslim countries.

Sunnah Currency has played a crucial role in driving this initiative and has achieved significant milestones in promoting the use of the Islamic Gold Dinar. However, there are still several challenges and obstacles that need to be addressed to ensure the success of this initiative.

The future of Islamic finance looks promising, and the revival of the Islamic Gold Dinar is an important step towards creating a fair and just financial system based on Islamic principles.


  1. What is the difference between the Islamic Gold Dinar and regular gold coins? The Islamic Gold Dinar is a specific type of gold coin that is based on Islamic standards and principles. It is made from pure gold and has a standardised weight and purity.

  2. How can I purchase Islamic Gold Dinar? Islamic Gold Dinar can be purchased from Sunnah Currency’s website.

  3. Is Sunnah Currency available in my country? Sunnah Currency’s products and vaulting services can be purchased online from anywhere in the world.

  4. How can I support the revival of Islamic Gold Dinar? You can support the revival of the Islamic Gold Dinar by educating yourself and others about its benefits and advocating for its use in your community, at the very least for wealth preservation.

  5. Is using Islamic Gold Dinar coveted in islam? Yes, using Islamic Gold Dinar is a revival of a great sunnah, it is based on Islamic standards, equity and principles.

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